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Sociology Syllabus

Course Code: BOS13
BD Orientation, II Semester, 4 Credit Hours, Senate Paper

Course Outline

I. Introduction

What is sociology?
Why to study sociology?
Can sociology be a science?
How is sociology related to other social sciences?
What is the scientific method in sociology?

II. Pioneers of the Discipline

Comte and Spencer
Emil Durkheim
Max Weber
Karl Marx

III.   Methodological Approaches in the Discipline


IV. Individual and Society

Biological base of individual behaviour. Theory of Instincts. Stimulus- Response Theory.
Socialization and Personality Development.
Theories of Socialization
Primary and secondary group influences
Norms: folkways, mores, law
Status and role
Conforming and deviant behaviour; social control; codes and sanctions
The limits of socialization

3. Social Structures and Stratification

Sex and Age
Caste and Class
Social Mobility
Reference group behaviour; relative deprivation, alienation

4. Major Social Institutions and the Regulation of Behaviour

The Family-extended, joint, nuclear; marriage systems, exogamous and endogamous societies, tribe, clan, caste, etc1
The Economic System
The Political System m
The Educational System
Religious lnstituitions

5. Social Change

The Rural Community
The Urban Centers
Collective Behaviour
Factors in Social Change
Social Planning
Social Problems

6. Sociology and Social Work

7. IndianSocial Issues

Gender discrimination

Friendly Note

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