Course Code: BBO11
Biblical Hebrew Preliminary
BD I, II Semester, 4 Credit Hours, College Paper
I. Course Objectives
- To equip students with basic skills to read and understand the Hebrew Bible in The Hebrew language
- Introduce Hebrew alphabets, pronunciation and writing
- To provide a starting point toward developing Hebrew vocabulary, grammatical, translational skills.
II. Course Requirements
- Each student is required to possess one of the prescribed textbooks
- Regular class attendance
- Complete the exercises and memorize the vocabulary at the end of each lesson
- Pass in the consecutive class tests and the final examination
- Final Examination 60%
- Internal Assessment 40% (Attendance 5%, Weekly test 20, Text exercises translation 15%)
College has to evaluate the paper by their subject teacher and an external examiner, and send the marks to Senate accordingly.
III. Course Outline
- Chapters 1-51 (pp.1-100) from J. Weingreen, A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1979).
- Chapters 1-12 from Hnuni, R. L. A Guide to Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar: ATC,1998
IV. Note:
- All students have to do preliminary Hebrew.
- Questions would be prepared by the Senate, the first examiner would be the subject teacher, College should send the scripts to the second examiner.
- Biblical Hebrew Preliminary is a four hour per week 2 credit course
Andersen, Francis I. The Sentence in Biblical Hebrew, The Hague: Mouton, 1974.
Babu, P. Rajendra. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2022.
Hnuni, R.L. A Guide to Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar. Bangalore: ATC, 2004.
Jouon Paul, and T Muraoka. A grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Roma: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblio, 1991.
Martin, Lee Roy. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew SARC Edition. Pune. Fountain Press, 2015.
Muraoka, T. Emphatic Words and Structures in Biblical Hebrew. Jerusalem; Leiden: Magnes Press, Hebrew University; E. J. Brill, 1985.
Waltke, Bruce K. An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Winona Lake, Ind: Eisenbrauns,1990.
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